Going to JavaPolis – err – Devoxx 2010 :-)

We just got notification that our BoF regarding the jpatterns.org annotations has been accepted for Devoxx 2010 in Belgium, the largest Java developers conference in Europe. At the moment we’ve put Michael Hunger and Heinz Kabutz down as speakers, but please let us know if you are in the area and would also like to […]

Inner Annotation Attributes

jonnybbb made a suggestion that we rather use attributes for the participants and comments.  I’ve done this for all of the annotations and inner annotations, so instead of @CompositePattern.Component @PatternParticipants({DistributionList.class, Person.class}) public abstract class Contact { public abstract void sendMail(String msg); public void add(Contact contact) {} public void remove(Contact contact) {} } We can now […]


We have tried different approaches to specifying the patterns. The current favorite is to use inner annotations for specifying the roles. So, instead of our earlier approach: @CompositePattern(role = CompositeRole.COMPONENT, participants = {DistributionList.class, Person.class}) public abstract class Contact { public abstract void sendMail(String msg); public void add(Contact contact) {} public void remove(Contact contact) {} } […]