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AbstractFactoryPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 87]: Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
AbstractFactoryPattern.AbstractFactory - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
AbstractFactoryPattern.AbstractProduct - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
AbstractFactoryPattern.ConcreteFactory - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
AbstractFactoryPattern.ConcreteProduct - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
AbstractFactoryPattern.FactoryMethod - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
AdapterPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 139]: Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect.
AdapterPattern.Adaptee - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
We would hardly ever use this annotation as the adaptee is usually not aware that he is being adapted.
AdapterPattern.Adapter - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
AdapterPattern.Variation - Enum in org.jpatterns.gof


BEHAVIORAL - org.jpatterns.core.Type
BERKELEY - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
BridgePattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 151]: Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
BridgePattern.Abstraction - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BridgePattern.ConcreteImplementor - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BridgePattern.Implementor - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BridgePattern.RefinedAbstraction - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BuilderPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 97]: Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.
BuilderPattern.Builder - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BuilderPattern.ConcreteBuilder - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BuilderPattern.Director - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BuilderPattern.Product - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
BusinessDelegatePattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
Intent [Core J2EE Patterns, pg 249]: use a BusinessDelegate to reduce coupling between presentation-tier clients and business services.
BusinessDelegatePattern.BusinessDelegate - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
BusinessDelegatePattern.BusinessService - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee


ChainOfResponsibilityPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 223]: Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request.
ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.ConcreteHandler - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.Handler - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CLASS - org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Variation
CommandPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 233]: Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.
CommandPattern.Client - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CommandPattern.Command - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CommandPattern.ConcreteCommand - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CommandPattern.Invoker - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CommandPattern.Receiver - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.AbstractFactory
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.AbstractProduct
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.ConcreteFactory
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.ConcreteProduct
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.FactoryMethod
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Adaptee
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Adapter
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.Abstraction
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.ConcreteImplementor
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.Implementor
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.RefinedAbstraction
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.Builder
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.ConcreteBuilder
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.Director
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.Product
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.ConcreteHandler
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.Handler
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Client
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Command
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.ConcreteCommand
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Invoker
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Receiver
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern.Component
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern.Composite
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern.Leaf
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.Component
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.ConcreteComponent
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.ConcreteDecorator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.Decorator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FacadePattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.ConcreteCreator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.ConcreteProduct
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.Creator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.Product
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.ConcreteFlyweight
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.Flyweight
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.FlyweightFactory
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.UnsharedConcreteFlyweight
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.AbstractExpression
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.Context
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.NonterminalExpression
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.TerminalExpression
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.Aggregate
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.ConcreteAggregate
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.ConcreteIterator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.Iterator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.Colleague
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.ConcreteColleague
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.ConcreteMediator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.Mediator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.Caretaker
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.Memento
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.MementoImpl
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.Originator
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.ConcreteObserver
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.ConcreteSubject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.Observer
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.Subject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern.ConcretePrototype
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern.Operation
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern.Prototype
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Client
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Proxy
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.RealSubject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Subject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Singleton
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.SingletonMethod
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern.ConcreteState
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern.Context
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern.State
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.ConcreteStrategy
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.Context
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.Strategy
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.StrategyField
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.AbstractClass
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.ConcreteClass
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.PrimitiveMethod
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.PrimitiveOperation
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.TemplateMethod
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.ConcreteElement
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.ConcreteVisitor
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.Element
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.ObjectStructure
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.Visitor
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.BusinessDelegatePattern.BusinessDelegate
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.BusinessDelegatePattern.BusinessService
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.BusinessDelegatePattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.BusinessObject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.Dao
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSource
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.ValueObject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController.Controller
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController.Model
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController.View
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.AbstractObject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.Client
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.NullObject
comment() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.RealObject
CompositePattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 163]: Compose objects into tree structures to represent whole-part hierarchies.
CompositePattern.Component - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CompositePattern.Composite - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CompositePattern.Leaf - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
CoreJ2EE - org.jpatterns.core.Source
CREATIONAL - org.jpatterns.core.Type


DataAccessObjectPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
Intent [Core J2EE Patterns, pg 391]: Abstract and encapsulate all access to the data source.
DataAccessObjectPattern.BusinessObject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
DataAccessObjectPattern.Dao - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSource - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType - Enum in org.jpatterns.jee
DataAccessObjectPattern.ValueObject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
dataSourceType() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSource
DB2 - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
DecoratorPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 175]: Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically.
DecoratorPattern.Component - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
DecoratorPattern.ConcreteComponent - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
DecoratorPattern.ConcreteDecorator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
DecoratorPattern.Decorator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
defaultHandler() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.ConcreteHandler
DesignPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.core
DYNAMIC - org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Variation
See http://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/Issue108.html
DYNAMIC - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Variation


EAGER - org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Variation
ENTERPRISE - org.jpatterns.core.Type
ExtractMethodObject - org.jpatterns.core.Refactoring
ExtractParameterObject - org.jpatterns.core.Refactoring


FacadePattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 185]: Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem.
FactoryMethodPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 107]: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
FactoryMethodPattern.ConcreteCreator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FactoryMethodPattern.ConcreteProduct - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FactoryMethodPattern.Creator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FactoryMethodPattern.Product - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FlyweightPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 195]: Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.
FlyweightPattern.ConcreteFlyweight - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FlyweightPattern.Flyweight - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FlyweightPattern.FlyweightFactory - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
FlyweightPattern.UnsharedConcreteFlyweight - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof


GoF - org.jpatterns.core.Source


HIBERNATE - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
Hophe - org.jpatterns.core.Source


InterpreterPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 243]: Given a language, define a represention for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.
InterpreterPattern.AbstractExpression - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
InterpreterPattern.Context - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
InterpreterPattern.NonterminalExpression - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
InterpreterPattern.TerminalExpression - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
IteratorPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 257]: Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.
IteratorPattern.Aggregate - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
IteratorPattern.ConcreteAggregate - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
IteratorPattern.ConcreteIterator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
IteratorPattern.Iterator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof


LAZY - org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Variation


MediatorPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 273]: Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
MediatorPattern.Colleague - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MediatorPattern.ConcreteColleague - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MediatorPattern.ConcreteMediator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MediatorPattern.Mediator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MementoPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 283]: Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an object's internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later.
MementoPattern.Caretaker - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MementoPattern.Memento - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MementoPattern.MementoImpl - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MementoPattern.Originator - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
MESSAGING - org.jpatterns.core.Type
ModelViewController - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
Intent: The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern divides an application in three components: The View, the Controller and the Model. The View presents data to clients The Controller handles client's requests, uses the Model to get things done and dispatches to the appropriate view a response to the request (this response might contain objects from the Model) The Model wraps the logic and the domain model of the application, offering both services and objects to the view.
ModelViewController.Controller - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
ModelViewController.Model - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
ModelViewController.View - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.jee
MYSQL - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType


NullObjectPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.plopd
Intent [PLoPD3, pg 5]: A Null Object provides a surrogate for another object that shares the same interface but does nothing.
NullObjectPattern.AbstractObject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.plopd
NullObjectPattern.Client - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.plopd
NullObjectPattern.NullObject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.plopd
NullObjectPattern.RealObject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.plopd


OBJECT - org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Variation
ObserverPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 293]: Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
ObserverPattern.ConcreteObserver - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ObserverPattern.ConcreteSubject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ObserverPattern.Observer - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ObserverPattern.Subject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ORACLE - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
org.jpatterns - package org.jpatterns
jpatterns.org was conceived during one of the Java Specialists Club design patterns sessions as a way to clearly label classes as belonging to some pattern structure using Java annotations.
org.jpatterns.core - package org.jpatterns.core
org.jpatterns.doc - package org.jpatterns.doc
org.jpatterns.gof - package org.jpatterns.gof
org.jpatterns.jee - package org.jpatterns.jee
This file contains Type.ENTERPRISE patterns as described in the CORE J2EE Patterns 2nd Edition - Best Practices and Design Strategies book.
org.jpatterns.plopd - package org.jpatterns.plopd
Other - org.jpatterns.core.Source


participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.AbstractFactory
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.AbstractProduct
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.ConcreteFactory
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.ConcreteProduct
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern.FactoryMethod
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AbstractFactoryPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Adaptee
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Adapter
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.Abstraction
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.ConcreteImplementor
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.Implementor
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BridgePattern.RefinedAbstraction
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.Builder
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.ConcreteBuilder
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.Director
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.BuilderPattern.Product
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.ConcreteHandler
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern.Handler
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ChainOfResponsibilityPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Client
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Command
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.ConcreteCommand
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Invoker
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Receiver
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern.Component
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern.Composite
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern.Leaf
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CompositePattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.Component
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.ConcreteComponent
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.ConcreteDecorator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern.Decorator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.DecoratorPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FacadePattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.ConcreteCreator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.ConcreteProduct
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.Creator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FactoryMethodPattern.Product
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.ConcreteFlyweight
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.Flyweight
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.FlyweightFactory
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.FlyweightPattern.UnsharedConcreteFlyweight
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.AbstractExpression
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.Context
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.NonterminalExpression
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.InterpreterPattern.TerminalExpression
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.Aggregate
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.ConcreteAggregate
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.ConcreteIterator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern.Iterator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.IteratorPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.Colleague
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.ConcreteColleague
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.ConcreteMediator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern.Mediator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MediatorPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.Caretaker
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.Memento
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.MementoImpl
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern.Originator
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.MementoPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.ConcreteObserver
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.ConcreteSubject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.Observer
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ObserverPattern.Subject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern.ConcretePrototype
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern.Operation
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.PrototypePattern.Prototype
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Client
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Proxy
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.RealSubject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Subject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Singleton
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.SingletonMethod
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern.ConcreteState
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern.Context
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StatePattern.State
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.ConcreteStrategy
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.Context
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.Strategy
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.StrategyPattern.StrategyField
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.AbstractClass
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.ConcreteClass
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.PrimitiveMethod
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.PrimitiveOperation
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.TemplateMethodPattern.TemplateMethod
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.ConcreteElement
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.ConcreteVisitor
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.Element
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.ObjectStructure
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.VisitorPattern.Visitor
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.BusinessDelegatePattern.BusinessDelegate
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.BusinessDelegatePattern.BusinessService
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.BusinessDelegatePattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.BusinessObject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.Dao
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSource
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.ValueObject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController.Controller
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController.Model
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.jee.ModelViewController.View
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.AbstractObject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.Client
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.NullObject
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern
participants() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.plopd.NullObjectPattern.RealObject
PatternComment - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.doc
Please use the comment = "..." attribute in future
PatternParticipants - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.doc
Please use the participants = {...} attribute in future
PLoPD3 - org.jpatterns.core.Source
PoEAA - org.jpatterns.core.Source
POSA - org.jpatterns.core.Source
PROTECTION - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Type
PrototypePattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 117]: Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype.
PrototypePattern.ConcretePrototype - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
PrototypePattern.Operation - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
PrototypePattern.Prototype - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ProxyPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 207]: Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.
ProxyPattern.Client - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ProxyPattern.Proxy - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ProxyPattern.RealSubject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ProxyPattern.Subject - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
ProxyPattern.Type - Enum in org.jpatterns.gof
ProxyPattern.Variation - Enum in org.jpatterns.gof


Refactoring - Enum in org.jpatterns.core
refactorings() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.core.DesignPattern
related() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.core.DesignPattern
REMOTE - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Type


SingletonPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 127]: Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.
SingletonPattern.Singleton - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
SingletonPattern.SingletonMethod - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
SingletonPattern.Variation - Enum in org.jpatterns.gof
source() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.core.DesignPattern
Source - Enum in org.jpatterns.core
SPRING - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
SQLSERVER - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
StatePattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 305]: Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.
StatePattern.ConcreteState - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
StatePattern.Context - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
StatePattern.State - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
STATIC_GENERATED - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Variation
STATIC_MANUAL - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Variation
StrategyPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 315]: Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable.
StrategyPattern.ConcreteStrategy - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
StrategyPattern.Context - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
StrategyPattern.Strategy - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
StrategyPattern.StrategyField - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
STRUCTURAL - org.jpatterns.core.Type
SYBASE - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType


TemplateMethodPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 325]: Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses.
TemplateMethodPattern.AbstractClass - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
TemplateMethodPattern.ConcreteClass - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
TemplateMethodPattern.PrimitiveMethod - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Misnamed, please use @PrimitiveOperation instead.
TemplateMethodPattern.PrimitiveOperation - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
TemplateMethodPattern.TemplateMethod - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
type() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.core.DesignPattern
type() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Proxy
Type - Enum in org.jpatterns.core


UNDEFINED - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Type
UNDEFINED - org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
undoable() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.CommandPattern.Command
urls() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.core.DesignPattern
USER_INTERFACE - org.jpatterns.core.Type


value() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.doc.PatternComment
value() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.doc.PatternParticipants
value() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Adapter
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.core.Refactoring
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.core.Source
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.core.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Variation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Variation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Variation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.core.Refactoring
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.core.Source
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.core.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.AdapterPattern.Variation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Variation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Variation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jpatterns.jee.DataAccessObjectPattern.DataSourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variation() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Proxy
variation() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern
variation() - Method in annotation type org.jpatterns.gof.SingletonPattern.Singleton
VIRTUAL - org.jpatterns.gof.ProxyPattern.Type
VisitorPattern - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
Intent [GoF, pg 331]: Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure.
VisitorPattern.ConcreteElement - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
VisitorPattern.ConcreteVisitor - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
VisitorPattern.Element - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
VisitorPattern.ObjectStructure - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
VisitorPattern.Visitor - Annotation Type in org.jpatterns.gof
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